
Classes held at: Kelsey Theatre 1200 Old Trenton Road West Windsor
Saturdays: January 6-March 17, 2018 (10 weeks) K-2nd graders 9:00-10:00 AM PLAYtime
Saturdays: January 6-March 17, 2018 (10 weeks) 3rd-5th graders 10:15-11:30 AM PLAYing Around with Theatre
For more information and to register for the classes contact: Lyndsey Goehrig at 609-570-3566 or goehrigl@mccc.edu
Classes held at: Orchard Hill Elementary School 244 Orchard Road Skillman
Tuesdays: January 9-March 6, 2018 (8 weeks) K-2nd graders 4:00-5:00 PM PLAYtime
Classes held at: Village Elementary School 100 Main Boulevard Skillman
Wednesdays: January 10-March 7, 2018 (8 weeks) 3rd-5th graders 3:15-4:15 PM PLAYing Around with Theatre
For more information and to register for the classes contact: Montgomery Recreation Department at 609-466-3023 or p-carr@twp.montgomery.nj.us
Classes held at: Johnson Park School 285 Rosedale Road Princeton
Thursdays: January 11-February 15, 2017 K-2nd graders 3:15-4:15 PM Acting (K-2)
Fridays: January 12-February 23, 2017 3rd-5th graders 3:15-4:15 PM Acting (3-5)
For more information and to register for the classes contact: Johnson Park PTO at 609-806-4240
Classes held at: Princeton Day School 650 The Great Road Princeton
Wednesdays: January 10-February 28, 2018 (11 weeks) preK-2nd graders 2:35-3:35 PM
For more information and to register for the classes contact: Heidi Spillane at Princeton Day School at 609-924-6700
Classes held at: Martin Luther King School 5205 Ludlow Street Piscataway
Mondays: January 8-March 12, 2018 (8 weeks) 4th-5th graders 2:45-3:45 PM Improvisation
For more information and to register for the classes contact: Piscataway Community Education at
732-572-4688 or www.piscatawayschools.org-
Community Education- Classes, Programs, & Trips- Online Program Registration- Community Pass- After School Enrichment Program Winter 2018
Classes held at: West Windsor Arts Center 952 Alexander Road Princeton Junction
Thursdays: January 18-March 15, 2018 (8 weeks) 3-5 years 5:00-6:00 PM Drama for Young Children
Thursdays: January 18-March 15, 2018 (8 weeks) 6-8 years 6:00-7:00 PM From Page to Stage
For more information and to register for the classes contact: West Windsor Arts Center at 609-716-1031 or emily@westwindsorarts.org
Classes held at: Princeton Playspace 745 Alexander Road Princeton Junction
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday: December 27, 28, 29, 2017 (3 days) 4-6 years 11:15 AM-12:00 PM Little Actors
For more information and to register for the classes contact: Alpin Rezvani at Princeton Playspace at 609-919-9600 or princetonplayspace@gmail.org
Classes held at: Village Elementary School 601 New Village Road West Windsor
Mondays: January 10-February 14, 2018 (6 weeks) 4th-5th grade 3:30-4:30 PM From Page to Stage
Classes held at: Millstone River School 75 Grovers Mill Road Plainsboro
Tuesdays: January 9-February 13, 2018 (6 weeks) 4th-5th grade 3:30-4:30 PM From Page to Stage
Classes held at: Wicoff Elementary School 510 Plainsboro Road Plainsboro
Mondays: January 8-February 26, 2018 (6 weeks) 1st-3rd grade 3:30-4:30 PM From Page to Stage
For more information and to register for the classes contact: West Windsor Plainsboro Community Education at 609-716-5030 or christineshannon.martin@ww-p.org